In March 2008, Indigenous leaders and church officials embarked on a multi-city "Remembering the Children" tour to promote the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
The chancellor, who briefed the cabinet on his plans on Monday, believes that great leaders embark on bold moves which remake the political landscape.
Its leaders created a totalitarian state and embarked on a threatening international policy.
European political leaders in particular have embarked on substantial austerity drives.
Instead of maintaining the prophetic significance of that year, however, the religion's leaders embarked on a lengthy period of denial and purge, blaming rank and file membership for misreading the organization's interpretations.
EIGHT years ago, as Paige Bonds was starting school in a struggling neighborhood called Englewood, the city's leaders were embarking on a controversial campaign that would change the public school system.
China's leaders have embarked on a huge-scale program to modernize their country's archaic telecommunications.
However, by the late 1980s, with the weaknesses of its economic and political structures becoming acute, the Communist leaders embarked on major reforms, which led to the fall of the Soviet Union.
Yet, the government is willing to show flexibility toward Mr. Palmera and his group if its leaders embark on talks leading to the release of kidnapping victims, including three Americans held by the guerrillas.
Flush with cash, Togo's leaders embarked on a crash industrialization program.