The front's leaders have disavowed the violence and by several accounts have cooperated with the police in evacuating Armenians from the city.
In an encouraging sign, political leaders of Macedonia's ethnic Albanian community disavowed the guerrilla action.
Communist leaders disavowed the violence, but, not surprisingly, they are vehemently opposed to any move to bury either leader.
Although several leaders of the many-faceted taxi industry had disavowed the message on Tuesday, the Mayor considered the flier a direct threat to the city's well-being.
Islamic leaders in other countries, offended that he used Islam to justify murder, disavowed him.
They have also argued that a resolution of the gulf crisis demands steps toward settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, linkage that the Administration and Jewish leaders disavow.
But Michigan's Democratic leaders have disavowed this tactic, and pollsters have predicted that the effect would be statistically insignificant.
Faced with criticism at home and abroad, leaders of Mr. Meciar's party disavowed the proposal, and it was killed by a parliamentary committee.
The leader of the coup, Col. Gregorio Honasan, in statements to the press has disavowed violence.
While tribal leaders have disavowed the armed security force, and many residents say they are afraid of its members, no one seems to know what to do about them.