Indeed, he agreed to seek a third term in 1986 only after national Republican leaders had convinced him that they could not afford to lose his seat.
Hence a leader, if he can isolate his followers long enough, can convince them that the moon is made of green cheese.
The leader convinces Tommy not to go through with his mission, even though it was betraying the government and now putting his life at risk.
But some religious leaders convinced the community otherwise.
The leaders of the coup obviously expected this demonstration would convince the other branches of the military to join them.
By the following day both leaders had convinced their parties to agree to this move.
Such leaders, whether elected, community, or spiritual, convince people that things can be different and inspire them to take action.
You must put out the flame, and the leaders of our people will convince you...' 'Just a second-some other things come first.
Mr. Milunovich has found himself the de facto leader among a small band on Wall Street convinced more drastic measures are needed, and soon.
Israel won six wars because its leaders had convinced the people that they were doing their utmost in order to reach peace.