The other leaders congratulated the teamsters union but asserted that they would not be bound in their discussions with the city by the terms of the first accord.
Today, European leaders congratulated themselves on the history of the moment, which will put an additional 75 million people under the union's banner and add 23 percent to its territory.
Military leaders and government officials congratulated themselves in recent days for leading the country toward what appears to be a smooth transition to democracy.
Beatrice saw the leader of the House and several members of the Government go up to Geoffrey, shake his hand, and congratulate him.
European leaders and European Union officials congratulated themselves on the progress they have made so far and on the historic importance of the moment.
The Middle East also came up repeatedly, as leaders congratulated Mr. Clinton on his peacemaking efforts.
After her rant, the leader congratulates her for "knocking down her old house", and proceeds to tell her that now she can rebuild a new house.
The French leader gave a speech expressing hope that 2005 will be a year of "trust" with Mr. Bush and congratulated him again after the elections in Iraq.
Local leaders, Lieutenant Milburn recalled, congratulated them later on getting rid of "bad guys."
European leaders congratulated both Gerhard Schroder and the man he defeated today in Germany's elections, Chancellor Helmut Kohl.