After a time we reached a cross track, where we stopped a moment while the bald man and the leader conferred in low tones.
Two of the men who occupied something akin to leadership positions were gone, one dead, the other gravely wounded, and now they stopped to regroup while the surviving leaders conferred.
Apu Mallku is an Aymara title meaning "supreme leader" or "king" conferred on a Mallku or "prince".
The leader of the British contingent conferred with Avery, and the detail dispersed to their predetermined stations.
The leaders of both groups were conferring.
Grim-faced shrews dug their paddles deep, keeping the boats abreast of each other as their leaders conferred urgently.
Now Buliwyf, the leader, and all his warriors conferred in another place in the great hall.
Elected officials would be meeting constantly, and leaders conferring intensely.
The two leaders conferred in the morning, and then attended a cabinet meeting.
Republican leaders are already conferring on the details of a House-Senate compromise.