The political leader of the region boasts that his own relatives have crossed the cease-fire line and that they are waging guerrilla war against Indian rule.
On Sunday, after the bombings, Islamist leaders boasted of bringing in more.
Its leaders boast not just of its history, but of its continued commitment to social justice through youth mentoring programs and a food co-operative.
"You are the second American spy I have captured today," the insurgent leader boasted, leading me away.
Local leaders boasted in the press that they had immediately begun work on "emergency" legislation to "save" Norton.
Contrast this with the 80's, when the leaders of this party boasted of waiting lists and presentations of 75 or more women.
Soviet leaders, for instance, boasted of guaranteed employment, subsidized food and clothing, free health care, free child care, and free education.
Their leaders now boast that they will soon be in control of the entire country.
Six weeks ago, leaders of the Florida Legislature boasted that they had enacted one of the toughest government ethics laws in the nation.