The internal "double game", in which Pakistan's leaders have attempted to fool their own people, is also collapsing.
The Kundalimon creed ran wild in the city these days: why shouldn't its leaders attempt to force an end to the war?
Significantly, however, a society's values are reflected when its leaders attempt to wield control over arts institutions.
During this period, some leaders attempted to use music to forge a unifying cultural identity.
Some local communal leaders were attempting to count the number of dead in their community.
Nevertheless, no city officials or political leaders attempted to intervene and the July 23 meeting proceeded as scheduled.
Nonetheless, Iran's conservative religious leaders attempted to use the victory for political purposes.
Food security is an important political issue as national leaders attempt to maintain control of sufficient food supplies for their nation.
By 1992, the state's economy had fully recovered, but leaders would attempt to expand into sectors unrelated to oil and energy.
Senior administration officials and military leaders attempt to engineer the resignation of the President.