He attributes these exceptionally favorable terms to IWL's partnering with former Bolivian president Jaime Pasamora, leader of a political party allied to Banzer.
But failure to use force could provoke conservative leaders allied with the military to replace him and his policies.
Even the most skeptical troop commanders and governmental leaders allied with him were convinced that this was no layabout Pretender or figurehead.
Tolifhar - leader of a group of white furred Gorilla Knights allied with Wonder Woman.
For nearly three years, reform-minded political leaders allied with President Mohammed Khatami have been challenging the power of Iran's clerical conservative establishment.
Throughout this chapter Matthew shows the leaders of Jerusalem allied with Herod against the new messiah.
Later, their leaders allied with the colonists during the American Revolutionary War in hopes of regaining former lands, but that was never realized.
Bislan Gantamirov, the leader of a Chechen paramilitary group allied with Moscow, was reported to have twice reached areas close to the city center before being forced to withdraw.
The leader of the Pannonian Goths, Theodoric the Amal (later known as Theodoric the Great) had allied to Zeno.
Palestinian leaders allied with Mr. Arafat will claim that to confront Hamas and others they need to be able to show the people what will be gained.