Presently the mist parted once more to reveal a leaden sea.
From regarding me curiously, he turned his head and glanced out over the leaden sea to windward.
The day was raw and overcast, with whitecaps on a leaden sea.
By nine o'clock the brightness was gone, and the gray skies blended into an almost visible horizon with the leaden sea.
Its dark top matched the leaden sea; its white bottom blended with sunshine reflected from beneath.
They flew at about two thousand feet over a dappled leaden sea, transmitting on the wireless each half-hour.
"In a man I never saw," said the other, looking at the leaden sea.
To the near-south, the leaden sea heaved, muting the sun's best efforts at sparkle.
Always the swollen ball of the sun glowered over the horizon, tinting the leaden sea the color of blood.
The pub was on the top of some cliffs, above a sandy beach and a leaden sea.