Lower interest rates ought, in normal circumstances, to lead to increased spending by consumers on big ticket items, such as cars and houses.
An effective stimulus must lead to new spending promptly.
This difference in political power led to little spending on the establishment of institutions such as public schools and slowed down their progress.
"Higher taxes lead to greater spending, not deficit reduction."
A decline in domestic drilling, experts say, leads to higher spending for imports.
Unemployment is already rising, leading to greater spending on benefits and a decline in revenue from taxation.
In other words, a "no" vote in those districts could lead to higher spending than a "yes."
The Conservatives want to see this link restored as they believe the present situation leads to extravagant and irresponsible local spending.
It is conceivable that the increased incomes will lead to increased spending on other products too.
This boom led directly to unprecedented spending on home construction.