Infection can lead to the culling of an entire flock to prevent further spread.
Doctors said their strongest hope is that the discovery could lead to new ways to prevent asthma in people who are genetically susceptible.
His plight led to a change of rules to prevent its happening again.
The elimination of taxes on dividends would lead to a lot of questions about details to prevent abuse.
This led to political lobbying from several interest groups to prevent his nomination.
Such attention, he said, should lead to greater efforts to prevent discrimination from occurring.
That, in turn, could lead to complex rules to prevent abuses.
He subsequently filed a lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia, leading to a change in the law to prevent such searches.
New York should be leading with programs to prevent, report and remedy health care deficiencies.
This can lead to abortion to prevent the birth of girl babies, which is called 'female foeticide'.