Out in the streets both sides threw up more barricades which soon lead to bitter fighting between denominations.
Although he was released, his bodyguard was shot, leading to retaliatory fighting.
The Indian officials said they did not believe this latest clash would lead to full-scale fighting in Kashmir.
Too many men, they claimed, lead to violence and fighting.
A chance meeting between the rivals on the beach led to verbal abuse and fighting.
This was immediately followed by storming tactics against various positions, which led to hand-to-hand fighting.
Although most contacts were minor, at times these encounters led to prolonged fighting.
The demand for slaves then led to further fighting, leaving the Bambara in a perpetual state of war with their neighbors.
Critics have said the program, which is top-heavy with military spending, will lead to increased fighting and displaced farmers.
There is concern that the Cuban deployment could lead to new fighting.