Hobbs and Bridgeman made no further inquiries at the property that might have led to a trail on Climbié's whereabouts.
If it happened that this led to a hot trail we didn't want to be hampered by city interference, at least I didn't.
He led the way to a narrow trail radiating from the clearing- one of three distinct pathways through the woods that began just a few meters apart.
To reach Taytay Falls, one has to go down the stone steps leading to a kilometer-long trail.
The murder of a curator at the Louvre leads to a trail of clues found in the work of Leonardo.
Soon Vicinius had led everyone to a narrow trail, where the walking was much easier.
"I don't think there's a rule that says the Cup leads to a trail of wreckage," Fay said.
Disappointingly, yet as he expected, the track lead back to a slight trail coming down off the ridge.
He led me to a trail that went straight to the high mountains.
A very short, also badly overgrown path, led to a much more used trail.