With Urzua by his side, he led the crowd in singing the national anthem.
Josh tossed the rope aside and led the crowd back to where we had been watching in horror.
After the speech, the Fool leads the crowd to the middle of a field where the game is to be played.
They led the crowd into the great hall where musicians started to play and tables were laden with food.
They lead the crowd during parades and they provide the music with which to dance.
Then he led the crowd through eight prayers to train the mind.
Yell Leaders are five students who lead the crowd in yells during the games.
As had been the routine at other gatherings, she led the crowd of 300 or so in a recitation.
"That guy on the flatbed is leading the crowd in some kind of chant."
The cheerleaders lead the crowd in numerous cheers during game play and breaks.