After the tour, the Herr Doktor led participants to the Senior Commons for tea.
Each forum leads participants in a Socratic dialogue with open and honest conversation.
While the program was intended to lead participants into meaningful jobs, a recent state survey and other studies have suggested that relatively few have found them.
EarthCaching is a geological treasure hunt that leads participants around natural features.
"My first conducting experience was leading slightly unwilling participants in a work of my own," he said.
Participants incorporated attributes relevant to the actor's behavior into their own self-concepts, leading participants to then change their own behaviors.
In many cases, the critical reflection triggered by these discourses has led participants to self-driven behavior changes.
Therefore, greater salience of a negative stereotype led participants to show more stereotype-consistent behavior towards the target.
This feature has led several participants to not only create digital paintings, but also digital videos.
He and "prayer marshals" wearing red armbands and spaced throughout the march led participants in reciting the rosary.