After his father's death in 1975, he led many members into the faith's mainstream.
Subsequently, he'd led members of his family to the rich new land.
"It's very difficult to let yourself shine through, because you're leading other members of your party."
At present, the band has six members, still led by Rastorguyev.
Some were concerned that it would set a precedent, leading members to expect the President to appear in person on other major issues.
Its problems led members of Congress to demand that the administration nominate a commissioner soon.
He is concerned that public resentment toward Congress will make the job less satisfying, leading able members to quit.
Reichmann had been leading four members of a German squad at the time.
A hierarchy exemplifies an arrangement with a leader who leads other individual members of the organization.
Cundeelee was being closed, so a group of elders led members back east to their homelands to set up a new community.