Under interrogation, he apparently gave authorities information which led to the killing of two members of the group's leadership, Masri and Baghdadi, in the following months.
The union, a coalition of workers, peasants, students, war refugees and human rights groups, has led anti-Government protests in the past 18 months.
He calmly responded to questions from prosecution and defense lawyers as they led him through a description of the couple's lives in the months before the killings.
That led to two more arrests in the next twelve months.
A sales slowdown could lead to a decline in housing starts in the next few months.
Promises by leading presidential candidates in the months ahead of the election could also disturb the market.
Service jobs led the gains in the past few months, with increases in business services and hotel and leisure-related jobs.
The outbreak led to the death of 102 "Blacks" (probably under-reported in church records), and 58 "whites" in the two months to May.
Melbourne led the "house price boom, with values up 14.9 per cent in the 10 months .
They led a turf war in the coming months over control of the city and up to 100 people, mostly civilians, were being reported killed each month.