It led to CB clubs forming throughout the land, which were mostly in competition with each other for ideas and members.
This led to society forming a more rigid social system, where one's position was determined by birth rather than merit.
Discussions about music led to the two forming the nucleus of Hum.
An alloy of copper, zinc and lead forming a pinkish-looking brass.
These are linked to grooves leading to the mouth forming feeding channels.
In 1924 he played for several outfits, including some on the west coast, which ultimately led to his forming a band there in 1925.
This led to fog forming on some nights.
This led to very specialized skills and talents which in time led to employees forming new businesses.
This led to Jessica forming the ambition at age twelve to sail around the world too.
The Shadow had told Evelyn that it led into a little hallway forming an entrance to the studio.