In Bangladesh, an advisor council led by the former chief judge rules the country for three months before an elected government takes over.
On September 8, 2004, more problems with falling parts led to the closing of the monorail for nearly four months.
Within a few games, at the age of 22, he took over as team captain and led the club for a further 2 years and 5 months.
He had to quit the firm he had been leading for just 15 months.
The general took power in a coup in 1982 and led a military junta for 18 months.
In April 2007, he had experienced vocal problems, which led to surgery and a prescribed period of silence for two months.
In January 2005, a labor dispute related to salaries led to a cancellation of concerts for two months.
Mr. Giuliano, 45 years old, has led the defense division, the healthier of the two, for 14 months.
Following Diego's assassination in 1763, she led the group for four months before she was captured and executed.
They have been leading in share and audience for more than 110 months in a row.