And the growing demand has led farmers to replace traditional crops like rice with betel palms, causing severe erosion on many hillsides in southern Taiwan.
The recent drop in hazelnut prices however have led farmers to supplement their income with honeybees.
A post-World War I recession led farmers to try new mechanized farming techniques as a way to increase profits.
Studies by biologists led farmers such as Henry A. Wallace to use genetic biology to create hybrid corn in the 1920s.
That has led farmers to begin slaughtering their milk cattle and selling the meat.
He led Kurdish farmers into battle and defeated the Iranian army on several occasions.
Finally, the skyrocketing price of soybeans and cotton led farmers to quadruple the number of hectares planted with these two crops.
Although lifting price controls is meant to lead farmers and manufacturers to increase supplies of goods, there were shortages of bread and meat today.
Gird led unarmed farmers into battle with trained soldiers-do you think they won their freedom without loss?