Since 1890 the castle reconstruction committee led the restoration of the castle during the next 24 years.
This led to the construction of another dozen estates during the early years of the new nation.
This articulation of broad principles led to its very gradual and fragmented implementation during the next 40 years.
Let us lead them during the first years to find their greatest pleasure in Nature.
The injury led to serious health recovery issues for Davies during the next several years.
Atmospheric erosion by the solar wind probably led to the loss of most of the planet's water during the first billion years after it formed.
Bank secrecy combined with the lack of corporate and income taxes led to a rapid growth in the offshore financial sector during the postwar years.
The Knicks have led, 2-0, in four previous series during the past two years.
He would lead the Church during the four years of Japanese occupation of the country.
Cleeve led an eventful life during the next fifteen years.