Ignore the path leading diagonally to the left; instead take the path at right angles to the river, leading towards an old stone lighthouse partly hidden by trees.
The Sergeant came up from the rear to join Charles as they left the Carriageway and took the long asphalt path that leads diagonally away to Marble Arch.
The crowded, narrow street leading diagonally from Durbar Square to Indra Chowk is the main shopping street for Nepalis.
The spoor lay plain before him, leading diagonally up the side of the ridge, back in the direction of the cabin.
Greylock apparently did not intend to take this downward course, but instead led across the plateau diagonally to the Tyrant's snowcastle, through the well-traveled caves of his youth; and down a few he believed only he knew the way through.
And yet more blood drops spattered the ledge, leading diagonally across it toward the sheer wall, which showed considerable weathering at that point.
Rotating forwards is a tactic where coaches move and change forward players to exploit different match ups create space to lead diagonally when the ball is inside the 50 metre arc.
The orchard had given way to a sort of wide esplanade lined with dark monuments leading diagonally off to the right.
They followed him and found themselves in a passageway which led diagonally into the living rock.