The industry has also been hurt by the weak economy, which has led parents, schools and corporations to cut spending.
The idea of online payments and transactions has led numerous individuals, corporations and groups to be hesitant.
Hopefully as more Chinese women rise to lead governments or corporations this culture will change.
The uncertainty has already led corporations like Rockwell International, the prime space shuttle contractor, to cut back on travel and other expenses needed to keep the space program running over the long term.
In addition, the increasing globalization of business has led corporations to set up offices ranging from Indiana to India.
Harbinger's products are used by leading U.S. government organizations as well as global corporations in more than 57 countries globally.
Some studies are showing that labor shortages and the rise of the Internet are creating new opportunities for women to lead corporations.
Neither the aging of the American work force nor the increasing longevity of workers has led corporations to adjust their thinking about how old is too old, employment experts said.
Fleet founded and led several corporations, most notably Consolidated Aircraft.
All three groups are essential for leading "major corporations, banks, law firms, important government officials, and prominent people from universities, foundations and the mass media."