In this ground it is not advisable to plant anything because that will then have a high lead concentration.
But the systems with the highest maximum lead concentrations may not be those with the highest prevailing or average lead concentrations.
The mean lead concentration was 146 ppb in untreated ground water and 77 ppb in treated tap water.
In 1991 a blood test on his 7-year-old daughter came back with disturbing results: her lead concentration was four times the safe limit.
The site selection process prioritizes sites by the likelihood of finding high lead concentrations which could impact people.
Since 1978, average airborne lead concentrations have fallen by 93 per cent(figure 8.12).
The lead concentration in the soil was reduced 43 percent, bringing it below federal and state limits.
Dr. Goodman acknowledged that the lead concentrations were high, but he said that such levels were not unexpected in an urban center.
The test revealed large samples of lead concentration in Beethoven's bone sample, relative to a control.
These measurements "are consistent with market-basket surveys that have repeatedly listed lead concentrations in chocolate products among the highest reported for all foods.