Thousands of crack riders from Gaul, led by his son.
Hensley experienced a conversion while attending a Holiness Pentecostal Church of God service in Ooltewah, led by an evangelist's teenage son.
The Bulgars led by Khubrat's youngest son, Asparukh, moved westward and occupied what is today the southern part of Bessarabia.
These continued to function for a few years after his death led by his close associate John S. Stanford and Rupert's own son and daughter.
Challenging such rigid social patterns is both heroic and tragic, eventually leading to the murder of Tian Qing by his own son.
Anhalt tried to retrieve the situation by sending forward infantry and cavalry led by his son Christian II.
In March 1864, several young Pend d'Oreilles Indian men (led by the chief's son) killed a prospector near the town of Clinton, Montana.
Within the party, a group of younger leaders began to emerge - led by the president's son - Gamal.
The attacks were being carried out by the genetic changelings that T'Olryn had created, led by her own son, first of his kind.
A number of scholars went through the manuscripts of Goumah's unpublished work, led by his son Rabeh, who filed, arranged, collected and printed many of them.