But it hardly mattered as the United States' lead ballooned to 40 points in the third quarter.
Boston's lead ballooned to 65-47 at halftime, and it got embarrassing for the Nets in the second half.
The lead was twelve points at halftime, but ballooned to 31 by the end of the game.
By the end of the month, their lead in the division ballooned to 14 games.
When the St. John's transition game kicked in, however, the lead ballooned to 22-4 in less than seven minutes.
The lead ballooned to 76-56 at the end of the third quarter.
The Bears' 10-3 lead at halftime ballooned to 22-3.
The lead eventually ballooned to 11 on a layup by forward Murriel Page, who scored 12 points.
The Knicks' lead soon ballooned back to 13.
This is how the Heat's lead ballooned to as many as 14 before the midpoint of the third quarter.