Because the dance is led and followed at the level of individual steps, these variations can occur from one step to the next.
More important, the modern approach can lead to explanations at the molecular level thus linking gene action to developmental process.
What is it about immigration that leads to political standoffs at the national level?
Watkins's victory led to several other Republican victories at the local level in the region.
Stairs led from it down to a chamber at the level of the slave quarters.
The December rise in inventories was led by a 1.5 percent increase at the retail level.
Our electric grid needs a comprehensive redesign led at the federal level.
This can lead to frustrating encounters at the primary-care level, especially if your doctor is rushed.
This led to the taxing of church donation money at the same level as private enterprise (65%).
This has led to practical difficulties in application, at the level of the political groups.