This led analysts to question whether the company was less forthcoming than it should have been.
This led analysts to speculate that some stores of silver have multiple claims upon them.
This raises fears of increased inflation, leading few analysts to see stock prices gaining in the short term.
This growth has led several analysts to praise the company as one of the best managed in the media business.
The increased division reflected in the minutes led some economists and analysts to speculate that another rate increase might come soon.
But the stock fell again the next day, leading several analysts to conclude that the problem ran deeper.
The strong results led several analysts to increase their 1993 earnings forecasts for Compaq.
The company, which on Monday reported profits of $2.89 a share for 1999, had led analysts to expect about $3.30 in 2000.
The movement led analysts to predict more increases over the next year.
The continued sales weakness in November led analysts to conclude that consumer demand remains soft.