That has led America into a number of adventures over the last 45 years.
"The Government should change its thinking so that it can set a higher target and lead America."
Meanwhile, he would lead America into a war against a country that posed no imminent threat.
Many of their theories have led corporate America hurtling towards debt.
Which 1852 best-selling novel helped fuel a debate that was to lead America into civil war?
"New York will lead America into the high-tech age of the 21st century."
"These guys are going to be calling the shots, leading America, and it's good this is coming right into the front room."
But the question is, in a Bush Presidency, where would he lead America?
"The question is in a Bush Presidency, where will he lead America?"
But he must have enough sense to look for an escape from the war trap into which he has led America.