The only lazy stereotypes i indulged in were regarding Hearts and Hibs fans.
I thought the whole point of these blogs was to examine what goes on rather than reinforce lazy stereotypes.
And I agree that people need to see extremism as a modern problem, instead of resorting to lazy stereotypes and dismissing them as backwards.
But to toss around words like "struggling" or "depressed" serves only to contribute to lazy stereotypes.
Family Guy doesn't have that excuse, so when the material doesn't work because it trades in lazy stereotypes, it hurts the episode.
The producer is as short and dark and cheeky looking as the laziest stereotype of a French director could be.
GermanicusRex: Don;t fall for the lazy stereotype that makes you feel OK about people living hard lives.
The evening also overturned lazy stereotypes of young people as being selfish or uninterested in their communities.
It's a tired, lazy elitist stereotype.