It's perfect for short, layered or medium-length hair and lasts for about six weeks.
But on this snow-covered morning, Ms. Hagan, who at 60 is slender with short, layered brown hair, seems to shrink within her black overcoat.
Because layered hair can be washed and towel dried, it's especially a boon during warm-weather months.
Superintendent Gervaise sighed theatrically, ran her hand over her layered blond hair, then looked at Banks.
He was making the most of his life in the Shift, had sequinned stockings, layered hair, and moved like well-shagged smoke.
The height of style for short, layered hair.
About Annie's age, early thirties, with short layered blond hair, pale, flawless skin and a nervous, elfin look about her.
Her short, layered hair is a pretty dark blond.
A small man with a short dark beard and perfectly layered thin hair stood there.
But she could smell the deep warmth of his layered hair, feel the steady press of his footsteps against the hard ground.