During the postconciliar period, the number of lay theologians increased strongly among professors and students.
A lay theologian is a theologian who has not received formal theological training.
Many who are regarded as lay theologians have advanced degrees in other academic disciplines.
Among lay theologians are the following:
Sheed was a lay theologian in Catholicism in the mid-20th century when there was practically no such thing.
Frank William Stringfellow (April 26, 1928 - March 2, 1985) was an American lay theologian.
Abbot was a lay theologian and scholar of critical ability.
The spirit of antiquarian scholarship awoke in Byzantium earlier than in the West, but begun by lay theologians, not laymen.
One French Protestant contemporary of his was the lay theologian and social critic Jacques Ellul.
He is the son of William J. Morgan, a lay theologian who was an advocate of the sedevacantist theory.