He lay paralyzed, his open eyes filled with translucent green, sunlight through leaves.
The medical kithmen worked quickly while Jora'h lay paralyzed and overwhelmed by all the knowledge that flooded into his brain.
Before she died she lay paralyzed for six days unable to speak or move and with only her mind and her eyes alive.
No voice; my tongue lay paralyzed.
As she lay paralyzed and waiting in the darkness for her fate, she hoped it wasn't too late for her to change.
They were strong enough to rip his armor off to get at what was underneath while he lay paralyzed.
The client grunted and arched his back so violently that he fell out of his chair onto the rug, where he lay paralyzed.
I dare say it was twenty seconds or so that I lay paralyzed and watched the face.
But she still lay paralyzed, staring up at the sky with eyes that never blinked.
Then, while she lay paralyzed, the killer would come to her, put the gun to her head, and blow her brains out.