While in jail, Hitler dictated Mein Kampf, which laid out his ideas and future policies.
The Toronto Star newspaper reported that she gave a concise speech laying out her ideas on various issues.
This was his most famous and influential work, and laid out his ideas on governance (at that time):
It was exciting to be able to lay out all my ideas on the table and see what Alan liked and didn't like.
Spence laid out his ideas about Spensonia in a series of literary works published in the late 18th century:
He laid out his ideas real fast, and the first was 'Five Minutes of Funk.'
He was in an expansive mood as he laid out his ideas for a solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
He laid out his ideas about the management role for the engineer in his "The Engineer as Economist."
Dr. Drake laid out his ideas in 1961, in what came to be known as the Drake Equation.
The President rejected the idea of a meeting now, arguing that since he had already sent his budget to Capitol Hill the Democrats should now lay out their ideas.