The 1970s saw development of strong lay leadership in the congregation and community.
Throughout the long history of the congregation distinguished rabbis have relied on remarkably able and committed lay leadership.
These issues are ultimately decided by local lay leadership.
Professional administrators are employed at most synagogues to provide the local lay leadership with administrative support in the effective management of the community.
They have 1,343 churches, 7,879 affiliates and 354 pastors, along with strong lay leadership.
In the early days of the order, the principal conflict concerned lay leadership.
There were many reasons for this reaction by lay leadership.
It also draws people looking for a greater degree of lay leadership than that afforded in most Conservative synagogues.
His support for Hillel helped create a new generation of student, professional and lay leadership.
Throughout the century, Kelley has been noted for its strong lay leadership among its women and men.