Have you ever wanted to ask a scientist to define a term in lay language?
In the simplest of lay language (for the purposes of designing effective systems), Ashby's Law states:
Speaking clearly and convincingly in lay language, he painted a vivid portrait of Gilbert as a very sick man.
The cases of patients in pain and the biology are explained in accessible lay language, and with the voice of an authority in the field.
Can you tell me, in lay language, what makes the achievement significant?
In lay language, attitude may refer to the distinct concept of mood, or be especially synonymous with teenage rebellion.
But John Fremer, chairman of the committee that developed the code, said: "It explains in lay language what a test should be doing.
When he tried to do so, one journalist interrupted, "Oh, no, please explain it in lay language."
Follow-up of patients is also required: a letter must be written to each woman in lay language explaining the results of the mammogram.