When the firefight ended, at least eight gunmen lay dead, including an Iraqi soldier, American soldiers said.
The rural district lay on the edge of three counties with very irregular boundaries, including a number of detached parishes.
Several artefacts lay on the table, including an ancient cloth-bound book, a small glass pyramid and an assortment of rock crystals.
The book lays out a historical outline of the female influence in art and technology including papers written by notable members of the field.
He laid aside several items, including a rusty knife and a leather sheath that appeared to belong together.
The army laid siege to the mosque in 2007 resulting in many deaths, including the mosque's leader.
There, before us, lay the remains of an ancient village, a few modest shrines and the three peaks, including the lordly Bromo.
Approximately 60% of the installation lay in Newington, including land in the town's center.
Such transmissions lay behind telepathic experiences, including shared thoughts.
He said that the solution to the housing price problem lay in new construction in the periphery, including Israeli settlements.