The warning about terminating lay employees is only the latest sign of financial and morale problems in the archdiocese.
Their claims, instead, include accusations against lay employees of the archdiocese or priests in religious orders.
A5 Rome Journal: Tighter rules for the Vatican's lay employees.
As he had done in Mobile, he started a self-insurance program in the archdiocese and improved the retirement program for lay employees.
A shortage of priests and nuns has also hurt, leading to more lay employees and, therefore, salaries.
Since 1990, the employee managed the diocesan pension office and its system of benefits to 3,600 retired lay employees.
In support of fair and just compensation for lay employees of the UCC.
In addition to eliminating 23 positions, 17 filled by lay employees and six by nuns, many priests working in those offices will be reassigned, Mr. Zwilling said.
There is 'no coherent set of personnel procedures, for lay employees or for ministers, whereby they can see a career path with training and proper systems of appraisal.'
Now it's obviously time for their lay employees to achieve the same level.