As Langdon lay in the dark amidst a pile of bones, he fought the closing darkness and turned his thoughts to her.
No one bothered him where he lay amidst some weeds whose dry stalks rattled in the hot wind.
Fool, he thought to himself afterward, as they lay in the center of the sagging mattress amidst the rumpled sheets.
For a few seconds it lay a dark mass amidst the flames, and the room was rank with the smell of burning hair.
The spectral knight stood beside the dragonhelm that lay on the table amidst pieces of the broken vase.
They fell heavily to me ground, and lay smoking amidst her father's wheat.
Much later they lay in one another 's arms, at peace amidst a frenzied tangle of bedclothes.
Quick soft hands lifted her and laid her on the altar-stone amidst a bed of flowers.
He lay amidst the wreckage of the several tables and chairs he had smashed during his final delirium.
Their leader Koch, an old gentleman with a white beard, lay amidst the rocks, wounded in three places.