In the hallway, where much of the real business of the court takes place, lawyers pressed tenants for the rent.
Three days later he recanted, saying his lawyer had pressed him to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty.
But his lawyers are still pressing to have the case reopened in time to prevent it.
"I remember I didn't take it," she said, when the lawyer pressed on with another question.
Meanwhile, with the Government suit taking precedence, lawyers representing individuals are still pressing for their right to sue.
Democratic lawyers pressed for a broad interpretation of the high court's voter-intent standard.
Nicolaides' lawyers were pressing for a royal pardon, an effort supported by the Australian government.
But the lawyers for the detainees are pressing to get the court to consider the basic fairness of the procedure itself.
He predicted that lawyers would press political institutions in both nations to bring pressure on the Governments to settle the claims.
The two lawyers pressed for the Governor to appoint a permanent statewide special prosecutor.