Mr. Harris's lawyer consulted with him less than two hours and interviewed only 3 of 32 potential witnesses.
While each diocese is independent, lawyers for the various dioceses have consulted and even collaborated with one another, the plaintiffs' lawyers say.
The lawyers for the Parmalat defendants can consult the files that were presented to the judge.
A spokesman from Venator declined to comment yesterday, saying that the company's lawyers and investment bankers were consulting on their next move.
This division allows lawyers to consult with detainees in the area of their cells.
The guidelines recommend that military lawyers consult with senior legal officers at headquarters before initiating investigations into allegations of homosexuality.
The typical example is where a European continental lawyer consults an English law dictionary.
The lawyer consulted her processor block, a show of formality.
But according to Legal Aid attorneys, the court-appointed private lawyers routinely do not consult with their clients until the next scheduled court date.
The fractious dispute continued through the winter, as meetings were held, letters written, lawyers consulted on both sides.