Tanzer's lawyer characterized their suit as "laughable" because they agreed to the steps Tanzer took.
The lawyers characterized their clients as scapegoats of a prosecutor's office that had made up its mind to bring an indictment at all costs.
One lawyer (quoted by Bernstein) characterizes them as "the handmaidens of the deal".
The lawyer for the victim characterized the case as, "One of the worst cases I've seen that has not ended in murder".
Girodias's lawyer characterized his client's attitude as "if the other guy wants to sign a contract, it can't be a good deal."
But the lawyers who were called racketeers by Raymark characterized the move as nothing short of malicious.
His lawyer has even characterized them as an overzealous attempt to help friends.
A lawyer for the developer, Wesley Blakeman, characterized the episode as a misunderstanding.
The paper's lawyers had characterized him as emotionally unstable and unethical.
The lawyers for the patrolmen's union characterized the incident as "horseplay."