These lawyers admit that no matter how much of their money Ashley stole, they still love the man.
The group, which has about 200 members, is named after the first black lawyer admitted to the bar in Maine, in 1854.
Association members represent all lawyers admitted to practice in Alabama.
A young lawyer, newly admitted to the bar, on the last leg of a circuitous journey back to her house and husband.
While Agel's lawyer admits that the compensation system is very complicated to understand.
Our own lawyers and diabolists admit they don't comprehend more than a fraction of it.
The lawyer admits that he's in charge of manipulating the Calderas' financial records.
So far, no cases have been brought, since lawyers admit the private exchange of cash is extremely difficult to prove.
This is contrary to what Rove's lawyer will later admit.
The government could not afford it, its lawyers admitted.