While the lawsuit focused on the website, some student leaders continued to criticize the film.
While this lawsuit focuses on a wide range of Google services, Android in particular has faced legal trouble.
The lawsuit focuses on the process HIP uses to determine what procedures are medically necessary.
"The lawsuit," he said, "will focus on what the airlines knew of the risk and what they did about it."
The lawsuit did not challenge the truth of the report, but focused on the actions of reporters.
The lawsuits have focused on issues ranging from the department's sexual harassment policies to the city's refusal to formally recognize a fraternal officers group.
The clinic's lawsuit focused on four incidents in 1985 and 1986 in which the protesters had forced their way into the building to conduct sit-ins.
The lawsuit focused on a five-year period in which the police killed 15 black crime suspects but not a single white suspect.
Other lawsuits have focused both on age discrimination accusations and on other issues, with varying results.
Curiously, the students' lawsuit focuses only on the prohibition against indelible markers and spray paint.