My lawsuit has caused a bloodletting.
Because each state has a different process for adoption, it is not clear when the process will be completed, and lawsuits may cause delays.
The lawsuit caused the film to be withdrawn from Italian cinemas, but it was released on video when the legal action ended.
A lawsuit that challenged the incorporation of the village caused the funds to be frozen.
The lawsuit causes a public outcry.
To see writing, denotes that you will be upbraided for your careless conduct and a lawsuit may cause you embarrassment.
Namely, it appeared that the lawsuit, as necessarily constructed by statute, caused the United States to sue itself.
The war and lengthy lawsuits had caused neglect of the property.
He said that since most of the assets invested had been for construction and equipment, the lawsuit would not cause an immediate cash squeeze.
The lawsuit was unsuccessful and caused tension between Ms Smithhart and city authorities.