Adding to the barrage of lawsuits attacking managed care, the California Medical Association yesterday accused three big insurance companies of violating federal antiracketeering laws by coercing doctors and interfering with physician-patient relationships for financial reasons.
But in recent months, judges have issued rulings that are more receptive to lawsuits attacking the quality of care provided by health plans.
It will defend against a lawsuit attacking the title as it is insured, or reimburse the insured for the actual monetary loss incurred, up to the dollar amount of insurance provided by the policy.
State lawyers state argued that a lawsuit attacking the de facto segregation that divides Hartford from its suburbs raises questions of social policy far too sweeping and complex for a single judge to decide.
Senator Gramm was especially offended by a lawsuit attacking New Jersey's refusal to pay benefits for new children born to mothers on welfare.
The de-facto segregation that divides Connecticut into poor, largely minority cities and affluent white suburbs is about to go on trial here in a lawsuit attacking the racial isolation of Hartford's public schools.
Nearly from the moment Mr. Zuckerman unveiled his plans for the Coliseum site, the city was hit with a barrage of lawsuits attacking the project.
Mr. Kinoy said he is considering a lawsuit attacking the retirement policy if the university's administration does not grant an exemption.
Although lawsuits attacking junk food do not say a specific food is responsible for obesity, they say food companies are liable for some health risks because of mislabeling.
The gain followed two years of low or negative growth while Lilly fought lawsuits attacking the drug on grounds that have not been proven but that encouraged some patients to try the competition.