In recent years, those claims have resulted in a series of lawsuits aimed at getting land back.
In its lawsuit aimed at having the ruling overturned, Ferruzzi disclosed that it held 23 million bushels worth of futures.
Arc is a plaintiff in a separate lawsuit aimed at getting Southbury residents individual assessments to see if they should be moved to smaller facilities.
In 1998, Brown wrote a letter to President Clinton urging him to halt a federal lawsuit aimed at closing medical marijuana clubs.
Most of the money, $40 million, was to have come from the settlement of a 20-year-old federal lawsuit aimed at desegregating the schools.
The patents could help arm it against potential lawsuits aimed at its Chrome browser and Android mobile operating system.
A superior court judge is expected to rule today on the city's request to dismiss a lawsuit aimed at blocking a massive casino development plan.
He also has filed lawsuits aimed at forcing Washington to act more aggressively on the problem.
He has filed a smart lawsuit aimed at rogue dealers whose guns are used in crimes in New York.
The Student Government Association met last week and decided against carrying out plans to file a lawsuit aimed at keeping University Center open.