That is a question, with its seemingly contradiction, that lawmakers in the Town of Southold are wrestling with.
For five years, lawmakers have been wrestling with legislation to define patients' rights, and to establish remedies for the violation of such rights.
Other lawmakers wrestled, sometimes in emotional terms, to express their concerns that passing an income tax into law would also clearly mark the end of an era in Connecticut.
In the state capitals of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, lawmakers wrestled with their budgets.
While lawmakers wrestle about what deserves to be in a supplemental spending bill, some critics complain that such measures should no longer be used to finance the war.
That figure has drawn attention as lawmakers wrestle with a looming budget deficit.
In the Senate, lawmakers wrestled with both arguments throughout the week behind closed doors.
In a speech broadcast on national television tonight, Mr. Mugabe promised to deal with the new opposition as lawmakers wrestle with the nation's economic problems.
And it is unlikely that their anger will subside in a few short years if lawmakers do not wrestle with these two very big problems now.
While lawmakers wrestled with legislation on Capitol Hill, the debate played out around the country.