More than six million Americans now hold accounts, and many lawmakers from both parties support the proposal.
In general, American lawmakers support the administration's strategy of transferring power to Iraqis more quickly.
Some lawmakers and security experts support the move, arguing that taxpayer money could be better spent protecting other potential targets.
Many lawmakers and officials in the United States have strongly supported an end to the spraying.
City Council members are hoping that lawmakers will still support the idea and can win over the governor this time around.
But when asked whether the Republican lawmakers should support such measures, he told reporters, "I believe it is very necessary."
Human rights groups are fighting against the renewal of China's trading status, while key lawmakers support it.
Some labor unions and some Democratic lawmakers support the pipeline project.
But lawmakers have usually supported White House efforts to fight terrorism.
He said that lawmakers supported the mayor's efforts to revamp the schools and were not seeking to undermine them.