The votes came in a last-minute burst of activity as lawmakers rushed to end the first session of the 105th Congress.
Late Friday, lawmakers rushed the podium in an effort to force Mr. Craddick out of office.
Today's deal marked the most serious bargain so far as lawmakers rush to hammer out a comprehensive telecommunications bill that can pass Congress before the end of the year.
The battle reached Congress, where lawmakers rushed to pass, and President Bush immediately signed, a bill to allow the Schindlers to take their case to federal court.
But in the House, lawmakers rushed to introduce dozens of measures on dozens of topics.
Much of the work in Albany takes place during the last week of the session - as lawmakers are rushing to go home.
The measure got approval from the Senate and the House late this afternoon as lawmakers rushed to adjourn for the holidays.
So when the list appeared threatened, lawmakers of both parties rushed to defend it.
No, lawmakers are not rushing through legislation to cut down on the 29,000 gun deaths a year.
And lawmakers were rushing to tighten controls in the production of fireworks, which, with chemical alterations, can yield weapons-grade explosives.